5:35 AM Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Zzz. my head is gonna
having a
headache D:
well.today i saw Cindy Ng at woodlands bus interchange. :x
in Nan Chiau (idk how to spell) uniform. she didn notice me though.
seriously cannot write anythg now or else gonna explode luhs!
p/s: I Love Hui Ying <3!
11:11 PM Friday, June 26, 2009
D: i still hvnt completed my hw
my chi ppt slides no doing T.T
idk what too write!
Zzz. i'll be busy for today.
i'll change my bs later {maybe luhs} :D
4:36 AM Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Whoo,today i went out with Hui Ying ;x
she was laughing like hell lors
but it was nice all in all...
thought my pants were gonna
Zzz. idk whether i should change my blogskin DD:
i alr hv a bs in mind --> JiHoo&Jandi ;D
haha,maybe i'll try luhs.
maybe not.. ZZZ.
6:15 AM Saturday, June 20, 2009
yst training from 5pm to 7.30 at KNC :o
we first time go there thn me & denise were (i thk) th first to arrive
thn we walk walk -.- i went to 7-11 saw Kai Xing & Wan Qi ;D
aft tht we went to find th bus inter-change and
we stood outside th MAN'S TOILET -.-
th door was open so i peered inside... Zzz
-.- i saw a man but thn he was idk doing what,i thk using th toilet ~?
*ahem* he didnt close th door
training wasnt so tough :]
at least not as tough as th self training ;x
though we
were stepping on th boxes at th netball centre -.- i just cannt seem to step into them! ARH!
Today almost cldnt get out of bed.
ACHING ALL OVERso i got up at 10.30 am
nxt wk my father at home so cnt blog luhs DD:
7:07 AM Thursday, June 18, 2009
All of the 14 people must do this quiz, unless he/she doesn 't have a blog .
Write the names of 14 people you can think off the top of your head, then answer the questions.
1. Hui Ying
2. Denise
3. Vanessa
4. Xin Yee
5. Lynette
6. Claudia
7. Qimin
8. Kester
9. Elysia
10. Kang tze
11. Jolyn
12. Hong Wei
13. Tania
14. Edina
How did you get to meet 7 ? (Qimin)
- school mates
What would you do if you and 13 never met? (Tania)
- zzz -.-
What would you do if 1 and 12 date? (Hui Ying /Hong Wei)
- *ahem* congratulate them
Have you ever seen 14 cry? (Edina)
- nah
Would 4 and 11 be a good couple? (Xin Yee / Jolyn)
- no way
Do you think 11 is attractive? (Jolyn)
- guess so
What's 2's favourite colour? (Denise)
- not sure
When was the last time you talked to 9? (Elysia)
- before school close
What language does 8 speak? (Kester)
Who is 13 going out with? (Tania)
- no-one at th moment
What grade is 12 in? (Hong Wei)
- sec 1
Would you ever date with 10? (Kang tze)
- I’m thking,I’m thking… ?
Where does 5 lives? (Lynette)
- in Singapore ZZZ
What's the best thing about 3? (Vanessa)
- Pro at netball
What would you want to tell 10 now? (Kang tze)
- Hello (:
Whats the best thing about 8? (Kester)
- I have NO IDEA
Have you ever kissed 5? (Lynette)
- NO
What was the best memory you have with 7? (Qimin)
When's the last time you're going to see 6? (Claudia)
- in my school
How is 14 and 12 different? (Edina/Hong Wei)
- one boy one girl you say leh?
Is 6 pretty? (Claudia)
- sort of
How did you meet 5? (Lynette)
- school
Is 1 your best friend? (Hui Ying)
- yeah (:
Do you hate 12? (Hong Wei)
- not really
Have you seen 4 on the last month? (Xin Yee)
- no
When was the last time you said to 3 ? (Vanessa)
- today
Have you been to 5's house? (Lynette)
- yupp :}
When's the next time you gonna see 10? (Kang Tze)
-when school reopen
Are you close to 13? (Tania)
- yeah :]
Have you ever been to a movie with 4 before? (Xin Yee)
- no
Have you ever gotten into trouble with 8? (Kester)
- Yea
Would you give 2 a hug? (Denise)
- Sure,why not?
When have you lied to 3? (Vanessa)
- for what>? -.-
Is 1 good with socializing? (Hui Ying)
- yupp :}
Do you know secrets about 9? (Elysia)
- a lil
Describe the relationship between 12 and 14. (Hong Wei/Edina)
Have you ever had a crush on 12? (Hong Wei)
- not me but ________
i'm done! :D
5:13 AM
Zzz,today no coach thought training not so hiong lor ):
but )): today training gonna die luhs,tmr
will definetly DIE!
Bah! were talking mostly abt
KimBum ;x
its like we use this to make ppl try harder or jiayous,LOLS
someone:Hey,KimBum is in his car waiting for us! so lets try harder!
Denise:OMYGOD!Lets hurry! later finish sprinting he drive us :x
HAHA ^w^
Eeyer,only ME and JIALING love JiHoo like shit -.-
th others all gonna die for KimBum luh. ZZZ
still hv so many hw hvnt complete *YAWNS*
LANG ARTS-4 journal entries
-4 Readers Passport
MATHS-Revision 6
HMT-th stupid project or sth -.-
4:17 AM Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Amount Of Retardness.
[x] you have yelled at an inanimate object for hurting you
[ ] you have ran into a glass/screen door
[x] you have jumped out of a moving vehicle[merry-go-round considered]
[x] you have thought of something funny,then laughed. Ppl gave you weird looks.
[ ] you have ran into a tree/bush
[ ] you have been called a blonde.
[x] you know that it IS possible to lick your elbow
[x] you have tried to lick your elbow
[x] you never new Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and the Alphabet had the same tune.
[x] you sang them to make sure
[ ] you have tripped on your own feet and fallen.
[x] you have choked on your own spit.
So Far: 8
[x] you have seen Star Wars and still don't get it.
[ ] you type with three fingers or less sometimes.
[ ] you have accidentaly caught something on fire.
[x] you have caught yourself drooling.
So Far: 10
[x] you have fallen asleep in class.
[x] sometimes you just stop thinking.
[x] sometimes when you're telling a story you forget wad it's all about.
[ ] people often shake their heads and walk away from you.
[ ] you're often told to use your inside voice.
So Far: 13
[x] you use your fingers to do simple math
[x] you've eaten a bug accidentaly
[x] you're taking this test when you're supposed to be doing more important stuff.
[x] you've put your clothes backwards/inside out and don't realise it
[x] you've looked all over for something when it was in your hand/pocket all the time.
So Far: 18
[x] you repost chainmails because you're scared wad they say might happen to you.
[x] you break a lot of things
[x] you tilt your head when you're confused.
[x] you have fallen out of your chair before
[x] when you're lying in bed, you try and find pics in the textures of the ceiling.
[x] the word "um" is used many times a day.
[x] you don't know wad um means.
[x] you say "what" and "huh " a lot.
[x] you used a calculator to multiply your test score
So Far: 27
Multiply the total by 3 and that will be your percentage of retardness
87%-.- Zzzz
i am 87% retarded *speechless*
6:24 AM Tuesday, June 16, 2009
JiHoo Rawks! even after he cut his hair! Lols ;x
Jun Pyo -> saved JiHoo frm a car= hit by car= memory lossbut tht still doesnt make him likable -.-
i hate his curly hair luhs >:o
okie,short post. :p
buh-biies x)
5:22 AM Sunday, June 14, 2009
LOL,tagged by Hui Ying&Xin Yee,
1. Real Name:
Cindy Hu Yixin2. Nickname(s):
idk. shld be mlh,lols3. Age:
hmm,you go count luhs -_-
4. Horoscope:
Leo! Rawr. x)5. Male or Female:
Zzz. Girl.6. Elementary:
Qihua Pri School7. Middle School:
River Valley High8. High School:
-9. College School:
-10. Hair colour:
o.o brown/black?11. Long or Short:
Long12. Loud or Quiet:
Both! xD
13. Sweats or Jeans:
Jeans14. Phone or Camera:
Phone15. Health Freak:
Blah!16. Drink or Smoke:
:) no way17. Do you have a crush on someone:
:x Yeah 18. Eat or Drink:
idk uhs19. Piercings:
020. Tattoos:
None (:21. Social or Anti-Social:
Social22. Righty or lefty:
Righty23. First piercing:
no peircing luhs24. First relationship:
o.o dont have uh25. First Best Friend:
Zzz. i dont rmb26. First Award:
Forgot ;x
27. First Kiss:
Nah. dont hv luhs28. First Pet:
rabbit,but in th end give ppl )):
29. First Big Vacation:
cnt rmb. xP30. First Love At First Sight:
...Blah,Zz31. First Big Birthday:
ugh. dont rmb bah32. First Surgery:
4yrs old,i guess :D33. First sport you joined:
Badminton34. Orange or Apple juice:
Apple35. Rock or Rap:
Jazz! xD36. Country or Screamo:
Country37. NSYNC or Backstreet boys?:
Back str38. Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera:
Britney Spears39. Night or Day:
Night 40. Sun or Moon:
Moon41. TV or Internet:
internet42. Playstation or xbox:
Both!43. Kiss or hug:
Kiss44. Iguana or turtle:
neither,all die45. Spider or bee:
hmm..46. Fall or spring:
Fall47. Limewire or iTunes:
iTunes48. Soccer or baseball:
Soccer49. Eating:
Lollipops!50. Drinking:
anythg drinkable. :)
51. Excitement level:
middle luhs52. I’m about to:
watch BBF53. Listening to:
blog songs. bah. so noisy..54. Plan for today:
Sleep,bath55. Waiting for:
Tomorrow56. Energy Level:
0 (im having a stomache ache)
57. Thinking of someone:
nah. not now. ;x
58. Want kids?:
too troublesome luhs.59. Want to get married?:
guess so?60. When?:
none of ure business61. How many kids do you want:
062. Any name on the mind:
a lot. mostly,JIHOO {KIM HYUN JOONG}63. What did you want to be when you were little :
Vet64. Careers in mind:
Doctor65. Mellow future or wild:
neither66. Something you would never try:
not eating any candies. :o67. When do you want to die:
90+ ((:68. Lips or Eyes:
Both69. Romantic or Funny?:
Both70. Shorter or Taller?:
Taller71. Protective or Caring?:
Caring72. Romantic or Spontaneous?:
Anythg uhs.73. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms?:
-.-74. Sensitive or Loud?: neither
:D75. Hook-up or Relationship?:
:o76. Trouble Maker or Hesitant?:
Trouble Maker77. Muscular or normal:
normal78. Kissed a stranger:
NO79. Broken a bone:
sure,when i was young80. Lost glasses or contacts:
Specs81. Ran away from home:
nah,wanted to.82. Held a gun/knife for self defence:
yea. a handknife.83. Killed somebody:
not yet. -.-84. Broken someone’s heart:
Yupp. (:85. Had your heart broken:
Failed geog86. Been arrested:
No87. Cried when someone died:
no88. Liked a friend more than a friend:
nopes89. Do you believe in yourself:
Zzz90. Miracles:
-.-91. Love at first sight: Yeah.
:x92. Heaven:
._.93. Santa Claus:
no94. Tooth Fairy:
used to believe. x_x95. Kiss in the first date:
Yes96. Angels:
hmm...yupps97. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now?:
no,i wanna be alone now98. Are you seriously happy with where you’re in life now?:
N-O99. Do you believe in God?:
sometimes. LOL100. Post as 100 truths and tag 5 people.
- Hui Ying
- Lynette
- Kai Xing
- Kang Tze
anyone who wants to do. blah.
4:38 AM
i'm back. x]
hehe. i bought Boys Before Flowers CD and it
totally rawks. Bah!
:D Yoon Ji Hoo is th best~! ;o
he rawks like hell! ;x




GAIL,Peilynn,Nicholine i'm not telling you ;D